National Stormwater Quality Database
The National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD) is an urban stormwater runoff characterization database that was initially developed in 2001 and updated periodically through 2015. Version 4.02 contains data from more than 9,000 runoff events from about 200 municipalities throughout the country, representing multiple land uses. The NSQD is an important resource for municipal stormwater managers and researchers who are seeking urban runoff characterization data. It can be searched for water quality data based on land use, state, and EPA Rain Zone, along with several other criteria.
The NSQD information can be accessed on this website in Microsoft Excel or Access, in the 2018 summary report, or by using the on-line data extraction tool.
The Data Extraction Tool enables users to conduct initial data exploration enabling quick assessment of the type of data available for more in-depth analysis. Users are encouraged to download the full database for purposes of formal data analysis so that metadata accompanying sample results is properly considered during analysis.
The NSQD Version 4.02 (last updated January 2015) can be downloaded from this page in two formats (Microsoft Excel or Access) containing the same information.
Additional background and previous NSQD papers, presentations and analyses by Dr. Pitt can be accessed here.
NSQD Version 4.02 Excel Spreadsheet (original format)
NSQD Version 4.02 Access Database (new format)
The NSQD was developed by Dr. Robert Pitt, P.E., of the University of Alabama and the Center for Watershed Protection under support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under 104(b)(3) grants. Originally released in 2001, the NSQD had been updated several times by Dr. Pitt and Dr. Alexander Maestre (also at University of Alabama).