Urban BMP O&M Cost Database
Improved tracking of BMP operation and maintenance (O&M) activities and costs, particularly GI practices, is a significant need of local governments. To help meet this need, the Municipal Water Infrastructure Council of EWRI led development of O&M Activity and Cost Reporting Protocols with the support of WRF.
The reporting protocols describes the recommended O&M parameters to track for stormwater BMPs, including both activities and cost data. These parameters form the basis of data entry spreadsheets and a companion database that can be used to store collected data. The long-term objective of this effort is to improve the basis for recommended BMP maintenance activities and frequencies as well as whole lifecycle cost estimation. Through development of a standardized set of parameters forming a reporting protocol, practitioners will have a common basis for cost estimation and maintenance activity planning.
The reporting protocols in this guidance have been converted into an Excel-based data entry structure for use in collecting data for upload to a national O&M database and for use by local governments as a template for internal use. Two versions of data entry spreadsheets have been created: a basic, simplified version and a detailed version for data providers with more detailed information available.
A simple Microsoft Access database has also been developed to store collected cost data, with an initially populated national database available for download.
Users of the data spreadsheets and/or database are encouraged to submit their data to the national database to advance the national state of the practice regarding costs of maintaining stormwater BMPs. To submit data to the Cost Database, Contact Us.
Guidance and Data Entry
O&M Activity and Cost Reporting Protocols
O&M Data Entry Spreadsheet (Full)
O&M Data Entry Spreadsheet (Simple)